Answer the Call of the Wild.

Spotting a tiger in all its majesty, amidst its own habitat - is an experience beyond words; a peacock lost in a trance, in its full glory is a sight to behold. The deers breaking into a run, the elephant walking in its herd is something to behold... If this is on your wish list then choose the wildlife trail and answer the call of the wild.

Hotspot of Biodiversities

Most wildlife tourist spot are hotspots of biodiversities with an unimaginable variety working together to nourish and nurture one another. Read about the place and ensure that you have an enriching experience all through and not dependent on spotting the wild animals.

The Wildlife Rules

It is a good lesson to remember that, on wildlife holidays, it is the wildlife that calls the shots. They tell us, when is the best time to go on a wildlife holiday. If there is a sudden change in weather, for example, you might find that the most reliable wildlife sightings are suddenly rare. Or vice versa. However, you can rely on the experts to be up front with you about the marvels that await.

Befriend Nature

Holidays focused on wildlife are becoming increasingly natural untouched beauty. Watching wildlife is a great way to get back to nature and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Natures healing powers are potent and choice well acknowledged. With so many wildlife holidays on offer in so many fabulous locations, it’s your choice to get close and befriend nature.

Wildlife and More

Wildlife sanctuaries in India have a past, some were former hunting ground for the maharajas, and a few parks still contains ruins of temples and mosques, as well as an impressive 10th-century fort like in Ranathambore. Some of the safaris lend itself to be explored by waterways, the Coracle ride at Kabini is a good overview. There is plenty of exotic wildlife to observe too Jim Corbett offers much more than tigers and elephants. Look out for more and stay inspired.

Enrich your Life

Nature has a way of resolving mysteries and adding knowledge, its not a place to go to but home to arrive. Open your heart to the sights and sounds of nature and you are sure to get more than you seek.

As Albert Einstein says ‘Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.’ The benefits then are sure to enrich our lives.

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